Executive Committee

Dr. Debasish Gupta
Dr. Debasish Gupta is a Post-graduate in Transfusion Medicine – the first in the country.
He is currently the Professor & Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – An Institute of National Importance under Government of India. He started the Post-graduate programme in Transfusion Medicine in this institute since 2015.
He is associated with the discipline of Transfusion Medicine for the last 36 years and saw the creation of this new specialty of Medical Science under the dynamic statesmanship of Dr. J. G. Jolly while working under him at PGIMER, Chandigarh and later SGPGIMS, Lucknow. He the privileged one for being the first and the only Post-graduate student of Dr. Jolly considered as Father of Transfusion Medicine of India.
After his tenure with SGPGIMS, he joined Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Science (SVIMS), Tirupati in 1995 as an Assistant Professor and established the department of Transfusion Medicine and started academic courses. He organized the 25th Silver Jubilee National Conference of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (ISBTI) in the year 2000 that coincides with the 100 years of ABO discovery.
After getting promoted as Additional Professor in SVIMS, he joined as a National Consultant to Government of India for Blood Transfusion Services, and contributed significantly for the overall development of Blood Services in the country during NACP – II and NACP- III, like setting of 10 State-of-Art Model Blood Banks in the country, Blood Safety Training programmes for blood bank personnel, writing DPR and getting approval for Metro Blood Banks and Plasma Fractionation Centre, provision of Blood Transportation Vans and Blood Mobiles, amendments in the Drug and Cosmetic Act and many more. During his tenure as National Consultant, he organized and conducted several CMEs, Workshops, Training programmes across the entire country for Blood Transfusion service personals.
He was elected as the Founder President of Federation of Blood Donor Organization of India (FBDOI) in the year 2004 and continued to be the President for eight years. He has several national and international publications, book and book chapter and a reviewer of many national and international journals.
He has received several National, State and International awards for his contribution to the Transfusion Medicine and promotion of Voluntary Blood donation.
He joined as a Program Director (Blood Safety) with USAID for 3 years to assist the National Blood Transfusion Council of Kenya (KNBTC) under Ministry of Medical Service, Kenya for overall development of BTS in Kenya. During his tenure, he wrote 9 guidelines and 3 policies for KNBTC and conducted training programmes and accreditation of Blood Centres.
Presently, he is an Executive Member with Hemovigilance Programme of India, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Technical Resource Group member with DGHS and External Expert to NIIH, Mumbai (ICMR). As a senior faculty he is on the board of several committees of SCTIMST.

Dr. Aseem Tiwari
Vice President
MBBS from KGMC, Lucknow and MD (Pathology) from Kanpur Medical College. Trained in Transfusion Medicine at SGPGI, Lucknow. Presently Director, Deptt of Transfusion Medicine at Medanta Hospital, Gurgaon
Over 130 publications in national and international journals. Recipient of H D Shourie award of Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology (ISBTI) for 2009 and J R Jolly award of ISBTI in 2016
Is reviewer to several journals, including: Transfusion Medicine/Transfusion and Apheresis Science/Journal of Blood Transfusion/Journal of Blood Disorders and Transfusion/ AJTS/IJHBT/Hematology Reports/Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Journal/GJTM
Life member of ISBTI and ISTM; currently Vice-President of ISTM. Certified NABH assessor and certified Transplant coordinator from NMDP, US. Member of Institutional Review Board for over 12 years; Member of several committees of SBTC/SCAS and NACO; Resource person in national and international conferences; held editorial positions in AJTS. Area of interest includes Immunohematology, Infectious Disease Markers (IDM), Therapeutic Apheresis and Cellular therapies

Dr. Ratti Ram Sharma
MD Professor & Head Department of Transfusion Medicine PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Area of Expertise: Transfusion Medicine.
Other Highlights: Has more than 25 years of experience in the field of Transfusion Medicine.
- Assisted in the development of curriculum of M.D. Transfusion Medicine program in the Institute.
- Established an active therapeutic Apheresis program and received the Advancing apheresis technology runner-up award from Terumo-BCT, USA for the year 2014.
- Recipient of Prestigious J.R. Jolly and H.D. Shourie Awards of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology, in the years 2014 & 2008 respectively, for his significant contribution in research, teaching and training in the field of Transfusion Medicine.
- Received certificate of distinction from University of Minnesota, USA during the Indian Council of Medical Research fellowship in 2012-13 in the Department of pathology and laboratory Medicine for his research, teaching & training activities.
- Member of Standing Academy committee and Ethics committee of International Society of Blood Transfusion
- Member of WHO group on Blood Regulation, Availability &Safety
- Member of National working group on Hemovigilance & Blood Safety Programmes.
- Published 130 research papers both in national & international journals.

Dr. Ravneet Kaur
Graduate from Government Medical College, Amritsar and Post- graduation from Government Medical College, Patiala. Presently working as Professor and Head, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh. She was Editor of Asian Journal of Transfusion Science (2012-2017) and has 45 publications in various National and International Journals.
She is member, Core Committee of Haemovigilance Programme of India since its inception in 2012 and play a vital role in evaluating the reports submitted as a part of the National Haemovigilance Programme of India. Also, member of Technical Resource Group on Blood Transfusion Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. She is recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award (2022) and J.G.Jolly Award (2012) by Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology

Dr. Deepti Sachan
Joint Secretary
- Completed MBBS from KGMU, Lucknow and MD (Transfusion Medicine) and PDCC ( Aphersis Technology and Component Therapy) from SGPGIMS Lucknow
- Presently working as - Senior Consultant & Clinical Lead, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre, Chennai
- Experience - 15 years
- Joint Secretary - Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine, NABH Assesor for Blood Bank
- 45+ Scientific publications in various National and International Journals. Recipient of various Awards -Young Investigator Award in ILTS (2023) , Dr. Usha Gupta Award (TRANSCON 2020), Young Scientist Award - Runner up) ( TRANSMEDCON 2015), H.D. Shoure Award in (TRANSCON 2014), Harold Gunson Fellowship (ISBT- 2013). Reviewer for various Journals
- Life Member of ISTM, ISBTI, AATM, Annual member for ISBT, AABB, ASFA , ILTS
- Key Area of Interest: Patient blood management in Solid organ Transplants ( Liver, Heart, Lung, Kidney, combined), Advance Immunohematology, Therapeutic Apheresis in Liver Disease, Stem cell collection, Quality and Accreditation

Dr.Sudipta Sekhar Das
Qualification: MD (Transfusion Medicine, SGPGIMS), PDCC (Transfusion Medicine, SGPGIMS)
Experience: 18 years
Present Designation: Senior consultant & Head of Transfusion Medicine, Apollo Hospitals, Kolkata Professor, Apollo Hospitals Educational & Research Foundation, India
- Recipient of “The Apollo Academic Achievement Award”
- Recipient of “The Corona Warrior Award”
- Recipient of “The Apollo Hospitals Young Researchers Award”
- Twice Recipient of “Harold Gunson Award”
- First recipient of “Young Scientist Award” in Transfusion Medicine in India
- Recipient of “H.D Shourie Award” in 2006
- Best scientific paper awards-2004, 2005,2007, 2010, 2012
- NABH Assessor, Quality Council of India
- Member of the International Editorial board, IBIMA publishing, USA
- Member secretary of Eastern India, National hemovigilance program, Govt. Of India
- Reviewer of 17 international journals
- Lifetime time members of several national and international scientific bodies
- 76 International & national publications till date
- Author of the Chapter “ Blood component Transfusion in paediatrics” in the textbook of “ Approach to Paediatric Emergency” Jaypee Publishers, 2015

Dr. Ashok Yadav
Central Zone
Organization: GOVT. MGM MEDICAL COLLEGE, MYH & Associated Hospitals, INDORE, (M. P.)
Mobile No. 98932-73236
Email Id- dr.ashokmyh@gmail.com
Experience in Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine for more than 25 years.
Central Zone Representative-ISTM
Organizing chairman of the recently successfully conducted TRANSMEDCON 2022, INDORE.

Dr. Joshua Danial
South Zone
M.B.B.S : Govt. Madurai Medical College, Madurai, Tamilnadu (1994 - 2000 )
M.D.: TN Dr MGR Medical University ( 2006 to 2009 )
Current Position: consultant Transfusion Medicine MIOT International Hospitals Chennai
- Areas of Interest: TPE, Blood donor motivation, PRP Therapy and other therapeutics.
- International conference- 05
- Best oral presentation Award- International conference - AATM 2014 Guest speaker- 24
- Poster Presentation – 16
- Papers Published-- 27
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